Not sure what's possible? We'll show you. BURN180 provides videos targeted on specific muscle groups and sport specific training regimens—all endorsed by our medical training staff of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Physicians and Certified Physical Therapists.
Stand straight and hold onto hand grips, with arms up like you're guarding a punch. Walk back until you feel a slight tension with the bands. Squeeze glutes and let the fists fall forward while keeping elbows stationary. Bring the fists back up to the forehead.
Glute Kickbacks
Stand straight with feet hip-width apart. Hinge forward and place hand(s) against the wall for balance, keeping a straight back with a stretch in the hamstrings. Bend a leg forward and kick tension back with your heel.
Overhead Tricep Extension
Stand straight and bend your elbows overhead, keeping your hands aligned with your shoulders and palms facing the ceiling. Squeeze your glutes and push your hands forward, keeping your elbows in place. Bend your elbows back and return to starting position.
Lateral Raises
Stand straight with feet hip-width apart and toes forward. Squeeze your glutes and pull your hands up to the beside while keeping your elbows slightly bent. Slowly lower your hands back down to starting position.
Stand straight with feet shoulder width apart. Hinge forward with your hips pushed slightly back, and upper body angled slightly forward. Push hands forward and focus on keeping your hands aligned with your chest. Release the tension by moving elbows backward.
Stand straight with feet hip-width apart and toes pointing forward, slightly pointed outward. Push hips back, as if sitting in an invisible chair. Once hips are parallel to the ground, keep your core tight and squeeze glutes on the way up.
Stand straight with feet hip-width apart and toes forward. Squeeze your glutes and pull your elbows up and to the sides while pinching your shoulder blades together. Slowly lower your elbows back down to starting position.
Stand straight with feet shoulder-width apart. Hinge forward with your hips pushed slightly back, and upper body angled forward to feel tension in hamstrings. Pull elbows back until hand grips go past your waistline and keep shoulder blades pinched back. Release the tension by moving elbows forward.
Stand straight with feet hip-width apart. Take a healthy step back with one leg before slowly lowering the knee toward the ground without touching the floor. Step back up to the beginning position.